How To Use The “Inconsistent Comparison” To Make More Sales
By: Kristopher Marek – Founder and Publisher, Persuasion Profit Secrets
You’ve probably heard of an “apples to apples” comparison before.
It’s when you compare two or more like things. When you compare apples to apples, it’s difficult to ever get an unfair advantage in your sales copy because consistent comparisons can be made.
So what you want to do is use an inconsistent comparison.
This is what I like to refer to as an “apples to oranges” comparison.
As a former US army officer, I discovered a lot of psychological warfare tactics that could be applied to business. Making inconsistent comparisons was just one of them…
You see, when you compare apples to oranges – you can make assumptions and comparisons between things that have nothing in common.
I like using this tactic to justify prices in sales copy… especially if prices are high.
Here are some sales copy examples of how you can use this tactic in your marketing messages:
Opportunity Cost – “If you buy this $497 product now, it will cost you $497. If you buy it six months from now, it’ll still cost you $497 – but you’ll have missed out on six months of increased profits. How much of a difference would just a 10% bump in profits make… an extra $1,000… $5,000… $10,000 or more? At a bare minimum, you’ll be missing out on $1,000 in extra profits. Not to mention the time, energy, an effort you’ll have wasted for doing things the hard way for six months. The strategies in this product work so well, you could quickly make back your investment before you ever get your next credit card statement!”
Spread Cost Over Time – “Even if $1,995 sounds like a “big number” to you right now, spending it won’t really alter your life much overall. It breaks down to just $5.46 a day. Think of all the things you spend $5.46 on each day… money that just vanishes into thin air… a fast food lunch… or a beer at the bar after work. After a year, what do you have to show for it? Maybe a bigger gut and a harder liver. So you can see, spending $5.46 a day may not have a big impact on your life – but investing in this proven financial advisory service could.”
Cost Of Consulting Time Versus A Two-Day Seminar – “If you wanted to hire me for a day of consulting – it would cost you $8,000 plus your travel expenses to meet with me. But, if you would like to have access to me for two days where you’ll have the opportunity to ask me any business questions you want – you can attend my XYZ Seminar for just $495. That’s over $7,500 less than a day of consulting. Plus, you’ll be able to network and set up profitable joint ventures with over 250 other business owners who will be attending.”
Go and re-read them over a few times, and consider the ways in which you could modify them to work for the products or services you’re selling…
P.S. – If you’re interested in discovering little-known strategies that make people feel compelled to buy your products and services… I’ve just released a new special report that I think you’ll like. You don’t have to sign up or give out your email… just grab a drink, relax, and click on this link – (Your Affiliate Link Here)