
The December Affiliate Holiday Contest

With the holidays right around the corner, I’m having a unique holiday affiliate contest. I’ll get to all the details in a moment…

But first, the dates of the contest are from Friday December 21, 2012 through Monday December 31, 2012.

Remember, you’ll earn 50% sales commissions and you’ll also qualify to receive a 50% commission on all subscriber renewals for as long as that person remains a subscriber, which could be for years…

I’ll announce the winner by Thursday January 2, 2012 after I’ve had the opportunity to compile and verify all the affiliate sales.

If you’re reading this after this contest is over – don’t worry… you’ll still have a chance to win big in the January affiliate contest!

Now, with all that formal stuff out of the way – let’s get to this month’s prizes…

December Affiliate Contest Prizes:

So here’s what we have in store for December… all it takes to qualify for any of the top prize is to make just 10 affiliate sales!

Prize – $200 cash, plus one hour of consulting time with me***

Raffle Prize – I’ve decided to make this month’s raffle prize a $100 gift card to Amazon. This way, you can treat yourself to millions of their products available. To win this prize, all you have to do is make one affiliate sale and you’re entered into the raffle. You get one entry for every sale you make – so the more sales you make… the more entries you’ll get credit for and the greater the chance is that you could win!

*** You may be wondering about this “consulting time” with me as part of the prize pool.

Well here’s the deal – because of my proven track record of success and business experience, I typically charge my marketing and copywriting clients up to $1,000 an hour to consult with them about their business, their marketing campaigns and sales processes, or their sales copy.

In just 30 minutes of consulting time on the phone with me – you could receive strategies, tactics, tips, and insights that could add thousands… or even tens of thousands of dollars to your income this year alone.

So if you’re this month’s top winner, not only will you get some “free money” – you’ll also be able to “pick my brain” to help you improve your business and increase your income.

And again, if you’re reading this after this contest is over – don’t worry… you’ll still have a chance to win big in the January affiliate contest!

Keep on the lookout in your email inbox for more information about next month’s contest, and other important affiliate training emails and updates.

Chat soon!

Kristopher Marek